Evangelia Vogiatzaki, PhD
Evangelia Vogiatzaki, PhD
Career mentor, nature photographer
What if we could create a world full of healthy, happy and fulfilled people? Does this sound like a utopia to you?
For me, it’s the mission of my life. To achieve this we need to be authentic and fully connected to our real self. Is that easy?
For most of us no, due to the environment we grew up and the environment we live in. But, it’s possible. This is why I founded PhytoCognition.com, the science hub for wellbeing.
As I have studied biology, I also believe that nature can teach us a lot and can help us reconnect with authentic self. This is why I also enjoy long walks in the nature and taking photos of flowers, plants and sceneries.
I volunteer at empowermefirst.college, because I also believe in the power of education. Education can open people’s mind, open doors in their life and help to create a better world. Education has changed my life and has helped me live my life according to my own desires. I believe that through empowermefirst.college, I could also help other people build the life they want and they in turn will make a positive change in the world.
As Leo Buscaglia said, “Change is the end result of all true learning” and empowermefirst.college is a change maker.